
How to Complete the DSF Grant Application Form

March 17, 2023
Author :
Exponential Science
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DSF Grant applicants are asked to complete and submit an electronic application, where the following information will be requested. Please pay attention to detail required, character limits and the required file format:

Select the Grant You are Applying for

Please choose which grant call you want to apply for from the drop-down options.

Specify the Education Grant

Please select from the dropdown options.

Specify the Innovation Grant

Please select from the dropdown options.

Specify the Research Grant

Please select from the dropdown options.

Provide Your Full Name 

Please provide the name of the lead applicant and main contact for the grant application.

Name of Second Applicant 

Please provide the name of the second applicant to be named on the grant agreement.

Names of Collaborators/Partners

Please provide the names of the collaborators/partners in the wider project team for the grant application.

Email Address

Please provide the email address of your organisation or the lead applicant.

Are You a University Network Member?

Please choose Yes/No. If Yes, you will be directed to provide the name of your University Network. If No, you will be directed to register as a University Network member before continuing.

Please Register to be a University Network Member

Please register HERE in order to continue with your application.

Name of University Network Member

Please provide the name of the University Network Member that you belong to.
To be eligible for the DSF grants you must first apply to join the network with your organisation.

Project Title

Please provide the concise description of the proposed project you would like to be funded.

Project Abstract

Please summarise the proposed project and what problem it solves in 3-5 sentences on (600 characters max).

Project Objectives

Please provide the key objectives of the proposed project (6000 characters max). The following questions should be considered:

  • What are you hoping to accomplish if you get this grant? 
  • What will be the definitions of success (particularly measurable definitions). 
  • What will be the outputs, outcomes, benefits and impact of the Project? 
  • How will blockchain ecosystem development occur?

Project Team

Please tell us who your team is made up of and what organisations will be working on the proposed project? (3000 characters max).

Project Methodology & Activities

Please give us a description of how the objectives of the proposed project will be achieved, including what the design, methodology, implementation and activities will be to achieve the projects (9000 characters max).

Project Work Plan 

Please provide a detailed work plan in relation to each person and organisation involved in the proposed project to achieve the objectives and outcomes (6000 characters max).

University Network Member Role in the Project

Please provide a statement of what the role of the University Network Member in the proposed project will be if there will be any (900 characters max).

Partner / Collaborator Role in the Project

Please provide a statement of what  the role of any partners or collaborators in the proposed project will be if there will be any (900 characters max).

Project Background

Please provide any available background to the proposed project such as existing research, materials etc. In addition let us know what makes the applicants, team, collaborators the best to be funded for the project (3000 characters max).

Satisfying the Grant Criteria

Please describe how the proposed project meets the grant criteria(1800 characters max)

Public Benefits of Your Project

Please describe the public benefit that will be achieved by the proposed project(1800 characters max)

Industry Impact of Your Project

Please describe the industry impact of the proposed project (3000 characters max).

Key Project Milestones and Deliverables

Please describe what the key milestones and deliverables are for the proposed project (3000 characters max).

Total Project Duration

Please tell us how long the project will run for in total (300 characters max).

Preparation/Creation Period Duration

If there is a ramp-up, design and preparation phase, please tell us how long this will last (300 characters max).

Implementation /Running Period Duration

Please tell us the duration of the implementation or running period of the activities of the proposed project (300 characters max).

Requested Amount (USD Equivalent)

Please tell us in US dollars, how much funding you are requesting.

Detailed Budget Breakdown (USD Equivalent)

Please use the Budget Breakdown Template to detail all the use of funds by month including equipment and computing resources, administration, team compensation (salaries, etc.), travel, and other expenses as well as budget detailing (can break by tasks, deliverables or milestones, as appropriate). 

(XLS file upload)

Eligible Costs

Please check the specific grant eligible costs before filling out this question.

The grant scheme covers Directly Incurred costs (Direct costs are those eligible project costs that will be incurred by the awardee in carrying out the project work (eg. project-specific research staff, consultancy costs, software licensing costs, technical staff, travel, consumables or equipment costing less than USD 15,000 (USD Fifteen Thousand equivalent)) and the salary costs associated with the PIs and collaborators estimated time on the project.

These costs will be charged as the amount that will be spent and could be supported by an audit record. Any funding requested shall only be awarded for named individuals or companies who are in the submitted budget. 

Ineligible Costs

The funding is not intended to meet indirect, estates and generic administrative costs including overheads, rent, utilities etc associated with the proposed project award.

How Will Your Project Increase Transactions Per Second on Blockchain Networks (If At All)?

Please explain in a short summary how the proposed project will lead to an increase in transactions per second.

(900 characters max)

Upload a Presentation of Your Project (Maximum 10 Slides)

Please upload a presentation file of the proposed project using our template as guidance (Format: PDF file upload).

Supporting Documentation

Please upload signed letters of collaboration from all individuals and organisations involved in the proposed project (Format: PDF file upload).

Supporting Documentation - Applicant Authorisation

Please upload a signed letter of applicant authorisation from all individuals involved in this Project on the institution letterhead of the individuals involved. 

(PDF file upload - upload zipped folder for multiple letters)

Supporting Documentation - Partnership Authorisation

Please upload a signed letter of partnership authorisation from all organisations involved in this Project on the company letterhead of the organisations involved.

(PDF file upload - upload zipped folder for multiple letters)

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